this site provide my view about the world that we live in..

List of the books that i have read from the library:

1. Mitos peribumi malas-syed hussein al attas

2. Islam and secularism-syed naquib al attas

3. malay dillemma-dr mahathir mohammad

4. The challenge-dr mahathir mohammad

5. Gelombang kebangkitan asia-Anwar ibrahim

6. The great theft:wrestling islam and the extremist- dr khaled aboue el fadl

7. The philosophy of science:islamic and western perspectives-muhammad mumtaz ali

8. saya pun melayu-zaid ibrahim

9. Universiti kedua:tahanan di bawah ISA-kassim ahmad

10. teori sosiaL Moden islam-kassim ahmad

11. Mencari jalan pulang:Dari sosialisme kepada islam-kassim ahmad

12. Islam liberal-Dr asri zainul abidin

13. Pertelingkahan para sahabat nabi:Antara ketulenan fakta dan pembohongan sejarah-dr asri ainul abidin

14. Falsafah ketuhanan-Prof Dr hamka

15. Tunku abdul rahman:his life and time-mubin shepard

16. aku terima nikahnya-hasrizal jamil

17. Islam and democracy-john l esposito

18. A critical thinking:through an Islamic perspective-muhammad mumtaz ali

19. Ke luar jendela-dato’ dr hassan ahmad

20. Malaysia in transition-abdul razak baginda

21. Obama,islam dan Israel-

22. Long nightmares:my 17 years as the political prisoner-said zahari

23. Muslim rights in non-muslim majority country-editted by IIUM

24. i am a muslim-dina zaman

25. crosscurrent-farish a noor

26. making happy people:the nature of happiness and its origin childhood-paul martin

27. Mahathir:antara cita-cita dan impian-susunan harun derauh dan shafie nor

28. Global ethic or global hegemony-chandra muzaffar

29. Japan: the coming social crisis-Jon woronoff

30. Hakikat kewujudan Allah-Prof dr ysuf al qaradawi

31. Sejarah pemikiran yunani-muhammad hatta

32. sejarah tuhan:budhism,atheism,kristian dan islam-dr rahim awang

33. Islam in transition-editted by john j.Donohue and John l.esposito

these are the books that i have go through during my long holiday,and believe me these books are quite awesome and useful in facing ur daily life,widened our gaze and expanding our way of thinking,and perhaps do cmmentt some of ur book that u might want to suggest 2 me...thanks


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