this site provide my view about the world that we live in..




Reconstructing the philosophy of education in the light of Islam

Reconstructing the  philosophy of education in the light of Islam.

It’s already a week after the last paper that we took for our final semester exam. Eventhough days had passed by but still one can still sense the joy and gladness that cover the whole atmosphere of KYUEM. I can still recollect the moment when some of my friends suddenly screaming of joy once the IELTS exam on Friday was over. “What a day” he must think.But somehow this mere reactions triggered me a thought on why such things happened.Is it stressful to stare at the books for two or three hours??Why should we feel stressful and study only when the exam was just around the corner? One had said to me that our education system is ‘exam-oriented’ and obtaining excellent result is the grand purpose in the study.I personally believed this belief had entirely altered our mindset and stagnating the growth our intellectual ability in understanding the nature, and perhaps this discourse will mainly justifying my claim.

In surah Ali Imran, chapter 3:190-191, God had mentioned “Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding (uhlul albab). Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire.”. This verses was using the term uhlul albab,indicating to those whose make sense of their intellectual to study on the creation of the Almighty for the good of mankind and also to strengthen their iman.As for this case, this verse clearly conveyed the message for the Muslims to gained the knowledge of the world, and even motivates the prior scientist in the Golden Ages of Islam to study the nature.Ibn kathir commented on this verse in the following words; “Some of the Muslims scholars opined that whoever study closely about the broad sky that was filled with stars, moon and the sun that was moving through their system ceaselessly, then observed the sea that surrounded the land......will gained evidences about the existence of god(strengthen their iman),The Greatest Creator, the most Powerful and the Wisest.”(Tafisr al Quran al azim).Even at the early period of Islam, this notion had well known by the Muslims but the reality nowadays depicted critical problems where most of the Muslims had neglected the passion towards knowledge. You may ask anybody regarding these issues and believed me, only a small number of them had set up their intention to study only for the sake of the knowledge and to embrace a better understanding of the nature and its link to the Greatness of God.

One should also flash back to the years of the Abbasid age where the Islamic civilisation was at its pinnacles and becoming the focal point of intellectual gatherings. During that period of time most of the foundations on a core part of scientific and philosophical notions were under the handworks of the Muslims scholar. The great modern Muslims scholar, maulana Iqbal in his masterpice, the Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam, did observed: “It was Ishraqi and ibn-taimiyya who undertook a systematic refutation of Greek logic. Abu Bakar Razi was the first to criticize Aristotle’s first figure...Ibn hazam,in his Scope of Logic, emphasizes sense perception as a source of knowledge; and ibn taimiyya,in his refutation of logic, shows that induction is the only form of reliable argument. Those arose the method of observation and experiment” and Iqbal further criticize some claim that says the scientific method enunciated from the westerners scholar, Roger Bacon: “It is a mistake to suppose that the experimental method is European discovery.....and where did Roger Bacon receive his scientific training? in the Muslims universities in Spain. Indeed part of his ‘Opus Majus’that is devoted to ‘perspective’ is practically a copy of Ibn Haitham optics” .It was later then this claim was slowly accepted by the westerners like Bertrand Russell, and Brian Stock. They are the one who publicised the fact that Islamic civilisation is indeed outweigh the ‘civilisation’ of the western world. Now coming to the real question is how these prodigious achievements had been made? The sole answers only inferring to the mind set of the entire Muslims scientist in that age which studied passionately not for the desire to pass any test, but to satisfy the thirst for colours of knowledge. No priceless treatises that one can made without putting a cup of love towards what the knowledge may say

So what I am calling for is a shift in our view and niat from mainly focussing on obtaining A* in every subjects to a  broad structure of thinking which connected the study that we conducted daily in our class with the intense passion towards the knowledge and to solidified our iman.Muslims world now had no longer had the taste of the influential public figure like ibn sinna,ibn Rushd,Al-Ghazallie,al –Khawarizmi and some more great names that had mastered varies field of knowledge and recognised by the whole world.Maybe,and hopefully our generation that lived in our globalised world may offered the same legacy with a list of a catalogue of icons that give rebirth to the new era of the Golden Age again.Insyallah.

p/s-really need to make it short for quite a certain reason....

Peace in Quran

God calls to the Home of Peace.” (The Quran, 10:25)

The very word ‘Islam’ (from the Arabic silm) connotes peace. According to a tradition of the Prophet, ‘Peace is Islam’ (Al-Bukhari). This means that peace is one of the prerequisites of Islam. Similarly, a Hadith states: A Muslim is one from whose tongue and hands people are safe. One of the attributes of God described in the Quran is ‘As-Salam’, which means peace and security.’ That is to say that God’s Being itself is a manifestation of peace. Indeed, God is Peace (Al-Bukhari). In the Quran divine guidance is likened to the paths of peace. (5:16)

According to Islam, Paradise is the ideal human abode, and is thus called the ‘Home of Peace.’ It is also said that, the people of Paradise will wish peace to one another, indicating that the social culture of the people of Paradise will be based on peace. The Quran, avers that, ‘reconciliation is best’ (4:128), and judging by the consequences, the way of peace is far better than that of confrontation. By the law of Nature, God has decreed that success will be met with only on a reconciliatory path, and not on a confrontational or a violent course of action.

Whenever the Prophet had an option between two courses of action, he always chose the easier (non-confrontational) one. (Bukhari)

This means that, violent activism should not be indulged in if peaceful activism is an option. For, peace is the easier course as compared to violence.

For instance, trying to change the status quo in the very first stage of a movement is a hard option, while launching one’s activities in the available sphere without doing so is an easier option.

Going to war in confrontational situations is a hard option while following a conciliatory course in dealing with one’s rival is easier. Countering aggression with aggression is a hard option, while countering aggression with patience and forbearance is an easier option. An agitational course of action is harder than employing quiet strategy. Adopting a radical method of reformation is harder than that of following a gradual method. Taking emotional, extreme steps without a thought for their consequences creates difficulties. While a well-considered method, keeping an eye on the consequences, gives much better results. The policy of confrontation with a ruler is a harder option, while initiating one’s action; by sidestepping the ruler in the sphere of education and learning is an easier option. These instances show us the easier and harder options, as demonstrated by the Hadith.

The truth is that peace in Islam is the ‘rule’, while war is the ‘exception’. This is borne out by all the teachings of Islam and the practical life of the Prophet of Islam.

The Example of the Prophet Muhammad

The Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in 610 A.D. in Makkah. God ordained that he carry out the mission of Tawheed (or oneness of God).

The house of the Kabah, which was built as the house of monotheism by the Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael (peace be upon them), later on became a centre of polytheism with 360 idols in it. The first revelation might well have demanded the purification of the Kabah, which would have given rise to a serious problem. But the first revelation made in the Quran was:

Purify your vestments (74:4).

This means to purify one’s moral character. If, in the first stage the Prophet had been commanded to purify the Kabah while Makkah was still under the domination of the idolaters, this would have surely precipitated clash and confrontation. Therefore, according to the command of the first revelation, the Prophet continued to perform his prayers peacefully in the Kabah for a period of 13 years, even though it housed several hundred idols.

Derapan kasut

Kadangkala saya senyum sendirian membaca tulisan-tulisan lama oleh saya sendiri. Terasa betapa lantang dan vokalnya saya menulis pada masa itu. Kini setelah berusia, saya jadi lebih berhati-hati. Mana yang lebih baik? Entahlah, Allah yang Maha Mengetahui. Namun, yang pasti sewaktu muda-muda dahulu kita terlalu obses dengan pandangan sendiri. Dan memang sinis dan skeptik dengan pandangan orang lain yang berbeza. Setiap yang berbeza kerapkali ditafsirkan sebagai satu pertentangan.

Kini saya jelas, yang berbeza itu indah. Berbeza bukanlah masalah. Tetapi yang kerap menimbulkan masalah ialah SIKAP orang yang berbeza pandangan itu. Kerap kali sikap itulah yang menimbulkan perbalahan, bukan perbezaan itu. Malah pada banyak keadaan, perkara khilaf yang dipertikaikan menyebabkan terkorbannya akhlak budi yang lebih aulawiyat dipertahankan. Pernah agak saya selama setahun saya bingung dengan ‘school of thought’ yang berbagai-bagai aliran – salafi, sunni, sufi, wahabi dan sebagainya. Saya jadi pencari semula seperti pada zaman remaja dahulu…

Sering saya bertanya, dan sering juga saya ditanya. Kekadang oleh sebab kedangkalan ilmu saya banyak berdiam. Cuba terus belajar. Ke sana kemari, mendengar dan meneliti. Pada ketika itu saya berpegang kepada apa yang diyakini dan tinggalkan apa yang diragui. Namun saya tidak pernah menutup pintu untuk mendengar dan berbincang. Tetapi apa pun akhlak dan adab mesti dipertahankan. Jangan dicampur soal personel dan jurusan ilmu dan kaedah berfikir yang sifatnya lebih profesional.

Yang memertahankan qunut hingga meninggalkan solat berjemaah. Yang tidak berqunut, berhujjah sehingga mencarikkan ukhwah. Kenapa? Dia itu wahabi, tauhidnya uluhiyyah dan Rububiyyah. Dia itu As’ariah dan Maturidiah dengan jumud Sifat 20. Dia itu Salafi yang menentang bid’ah. Dia itu Sufi, yang asyik dengan tazkiatun nafsi. Dan kini di Malaysia, ada yang menjawab (bahkan menulis), “saya muslim Ahli Sunah” bila ditanya soalan, “apa agama kamu?”Ketika ditanya mengapa jawapan kamu begitu? Dia menjawab, “saya nak bezakan dengan muslim wahabi”

Ah, apakah ini langkah ke depan, atau langkah ke belakang atau langkah pusingan U?

Padahal sewaktu kecil dahulu kita diajar melalui Kitab Risalah Tauhid (tauhid), Mutaa Badrin (feqah), Penawar Bagi Hati (akhlak atau tasawuf). Itulah kitab yang mengenalkan kita kepada agama yang holistik. Kemudian bila meningkat dewasa, di universiti mula pula belajar Tauhid Uluhiyyah dan Rububiyyah. Ataupun melalui majlis usrah yang dikendalikan oleh para naqib dan mas’ul. Kedua-dua kaedah menuju matlamat yang sama – menanamkan roh tauhid. Tidak ada sebab untuk ‘bergaduh’. Memang ada perbezaannya, tetapi titik pertemuannya terlalu banyak!

Oleh sebab Al Ghazali menghentam Ibnu Sina dan Al Farabi dengan hujjahnya dalam al Munqizul minad Dalal dan Tahafut al Falasifah, saya yang begitu dekat dengan Ihya Ulumuddin turut mengambil sikap berhati-hati dengan Ibnu Sina dan tokoh-tokoh yang sewaktu dengannya. Tetapi bila Ibnu Sina disebut sebagai role model, saya tidak membantah. Mereka mungkin ada hujah yang tidak saya ketahui. Pada saya biarlah gajah sama gajah yang berhujjah, saya yang kancil ini ambil sahaja yang yakin, yang muktamad dan masyhur… itu pun belum dan tidak habis-habis untuk diamalkan.

Saya melihat kesan ilmu dan sumbernya. Bukan hanya melihat kesan tetapi meninggalkan sumber. Atau bukan hanya meneliti sumber tetapi meminggirkan kesan. Kedua-duanya harus sebati dan serasi. Akhlak adalah buah ibadah. Ibadah adalah buah ilmu. Ilmu itu sumber keyakinan dan kepercayaan. Alhamdulillah, kini saya rasa serabut iktilaf, furu’ dan bid’ah terungkai dengan jelas. Dalil di sana dan di sini kekadang sama setara dan seimbang. Tidak ada obsesi diri dan puak. Tidak ada kafir mengkafir. Tidak ada penyakit ‘ana khairu minhu – aku lebih baik daripada kamu!

List of the books in my library:

1. Quran saintifik-dr danial zainal abidin

2. Closing the leadership gap:why women can and must help run the world-marie c wilson

3. what is the origin of man:dr maurice bucaille

4. Arus tajdid:fikrah merentasi jemaah-dr asri zainul abidin

5. Lebam matanya:pakatan jahat politik-elias hj idris

6. Tasauf moden-prof dr hamka

7. Failed nations:concerning the malaysian natioanlities-rustam a sani

8. Dasar aparteid teradap wanita di malaysia-Dr Asri and the geng

9. Anjakan sikap dan budaya hidup bangsa-dato’ hj mohd nakhie hj ahmad

10. Fikh solat empat mazhab-menurut alquran dan hadis-syeikh abdul qadir ar rahbawi

11. the choice:islam and christian debate-ahmed deedat

12. zikir menurut alquran dan hadith-dr abdul halim mahmud

13. Chicken soup for the christian soul-Jack canfield,mark vactor hansen,Patty aubey,Nancy mitchell

14. Islam dan manusia:1001 kemusykilan-abdul hayei abdul shukor

15. Tony soprano on amnagement-anthony schneider

16. Is jesus god-debate between ahmed deedat and anis shorosh

17. Ketemu di alur zaman-Rustam A sani

18. Tokoh Islam abad moden jil 1-zainuddin hasyim dan ridhuan mohd nor

19. Kerelatifan dan einstein-prof YT chen dan prof mustamam karim

20. Menangkis pencemaran agama dan tokoh-tokohnya-dr asri zainul abidin

21. Budaya kreativiti:pameran 100 tahun hadiah nobel-editted by Ulf larsson

22. Syeikh muhammad bin abdul wahab:Antara fakta dan palsu-dr asri dan sahabat

23. fanatik mazhab:kesan kepada pemikiran umat-dr asri zainul abidin

24. hadith palsu:kesan terhadap imej islam-dr asri zainul abidin

25. Bible reading for teenagers-rev. Charles s. Mueller

26. the story of my exeriences with the truth-mahatma gandhi

27. Awaken to the budha hill-venerable shi wuling

28. Membangun ummah:suatu kenyataan bukan khayalan-prof dr yusuf al qaradhawi

29. Tsunami politik permatang pauh-ridhuan mohd nor

30. Jemaah islam dan ulama serta peranannya:panduan untuk para pendakwah-al faqir senik

31. Agar berjaya muassah zakat dalam penerapan masa kini(kumpulan kertas kerja )-prof dr yusuf al qaradhawi

32. benefitting ourselves and others(budhism)-venerable yin shun

33. Good question and answers(budhism)-s.dhamanika

34. sejarah hidup nabi-nabi-H.Salim Bahresy

35. Sejarah umat Islam-prof dr hamka

36. Insan kamil muhammad S.A.W-syeikh muhd alwy al maliki

37. Muqaddimah aqidah muslim-hj abdul hadi awang

38. Quranic law of attarction-rusdin s. Rauf

39. Ajaran tarikat tercabar-hj tajul arifin

40. Budhism:the wisdom of compassion and awakening-venerable master chin kung

41. gerakan fisabilillah jihad & cabarannya-abdul qadir al djaelani

42. falsafah alquran-muhammad yunus

43. qisasul anbiya-ibnu kathir

44. Brilliant answer for tough interview question-susan hodgson

45. u can reach the top-zig ziglar

46. Mengemudi bahtera perubahan minda-dr asri zainul abidin

47. Malaysia “bail out”:capital control,restructuring and recovery-Woong sook ching,Jomo K.S & chin kok fay

anybody in kyuem that interested in borrowing some of my collection,u r more than welcome to inform me...i had read these books and it is my pleasure to spread the knowledge to anybody who are interested

List of the books that i have read from the library:

1. Mitos peribumi malas-syed hussein al attas

2. Islam and secularism-syed naquib al attas

3. malay dillemma-dr mahathir mohammad

4. The challenge-dr mahathir mohammad

5. Gelombang kebangkitan asia-Anwar ibrahim

6. The great theft:wrestling islam and the extremist- dr khaled aboue el fadl

7. The philosophy of science:islamic and western perspectives-muhammad mumtaz ali

8. saya pun melayu-zaid ibrahim

9. Universiti kedua:tahanan di bawah ISA-kassim ahmad

10. teori sosiaL Moden islam-kassim ahmad

11. Mencari jalan pulang:Dari sosialisme kepada islam-kassim ahmad

12. Islam liberal-Dr asri zainul abidin

13. Pertelingkahan para sahabat nabi:Antara ketulenan fakta dan pembohongan sejarah-dr asri ainul abidin

14. Falsafah ketuhanan-Prof Dr hamka

15. Tunku abdul rahman:his life and time-mubin shepard

16. aku terima nikahnya-hasrizal jamil

17. Islam and democracy-john l esposito

18. A critical thinking:through an Islamic perspective-muhammad mumtaz ali

19. Ke luar jendela-dato’ dr hassan ahmad

20. Malaysia in transition-abdul razak baginda

21. Obama,islam dan Israel-

22. Long nightmares:my 17 years as the political prisoner-said zahari

23. Muslim rights in non-muslim majority country-editted by IIUM

24. i am a muslim-dina zaman

25. crosscurrent-farish a noor

26. making happy people:the nature of happiness and its origin childhood-paul martin

27. Mahathir:antara cita-cita dan impian-susunan harun derauh dan shafie nor

28. Global ethic or global hegemony-chandra muzaffar

29. Japan: the coming social crisis-Jon woronoff

30. Hakikat kewujudan Allah-Prof dr ysuf al qaradawi

31. Sejarah pemikiran yunani-muhammad hatta

32. sejarah tuhan:budhism,atheism,kristian dan islam-dr rahim awang

33. Islam in transition-editted by john j.Donohue and John l.esposito

these are the books that i have go through during my long holiday,and believe me these books are quite awesome and useful in facing ur daily life,widened our gaze and expanding our way of thinking,and perhaps do cmmentt some of ur book that u might want to suggest 2 me...thanks

the 100 leading intellectuals 2008

List: the 100 leading intellectuals

World's top thinkers according to a survey by Prospect and Foreign Policy magazines.The top 9 was found muslims....alhamdulillah

1 Fethullah Gulen
2 Muhammad Yunus
3 Yusuf al-Qaradawi
4 Orhan Pamuk
5 Aitzaz Ahsan
6 Amr Khaled
7 Abdolkarim Soroush
8 Tariq Ramadan
9 Mahmood Mamdani
10 Shirin Ebadi
11 Noam Chomsky
12 Al Gore
13 Bernard Lewis
14 Umberto Eco
15 Ayaan Hirsi Ali
16 Amartya Sen
17 Fareed Zakaria
18 Garry Kasparov
19 Richard Dawkins
20 Mario Vargas Llosa
21 Lee Smolin
22 Jürgen Habermas
23 Salman Rushdie
24 Sari Nusseibeh
25 Slavoj Zizek
26 Vaclav Havel
27 Christopher Hitchens
28 Samuel Huntington
29 Peter Singer
30 Paul Krugman
31 Jared Diamond
32 Pope Benedict XVI
33 Fan Gang
34 Michael Ignatieff
35 Fernando Henrique Cardoso
36 Lilia Shevtsova
37 Charles Taylor
38 Martin Wolf
39 EO Wilson
40 Thomas Friedman
41 Bjorn Lomborg
42 Daniel Dennett
43 Francis Fukuyama
44 Ramachandra Guha
45 Tony Judt
46 Steven Levitt
47 Nouriel Roubini
48 Jeffrey Sachs
49 Wang Hui
50 VS Ramachandran
51 Drew Gilpin Faust
52 Lawrence Lessig
53 JM Coetzee
54 Fernando Savater
55 Wole Soyinka
56 Yan Xuetong
57 Steven Pinker